Donnie Vincent's "Gear List" Giveaway

April 11, 2018 1178 Comments

Donnie Vincent's "Gear List" Giveaway




Gear is important, but what's even more important is the right gear. I've compiled nearly my entire gear list (plus some extras from companies whose gear I trust) and I want to GIVE it all AWAY to one very lucky person.

To enter:


✔️ LIKE the giveaway post on my FB page  

✔️ Tell me "WHAT HUNTING MEANS TO YOU" or "WHY IT IS YOU CHOOSE TO HUNT" in the comments on that post. 

✔️ Follow me on both Instagram & Facebook


This entire prize package worth over $13,000 includes the actual bow I used in the film "WHO WE ARE" + sight, rest, stabilizer, quiver, arrows, broad-heads, a full Sitka Gear system (from base layers to rain gear), 8-man Kifaru Tipi setup with stove, a Kifaru pack, Tuckamore Custom Knife hand forged by David Maple, HanWag boots, Otterbox coolers, Maven optics, a giant magna Hunterra map custom made for the winner, and a whole lot more (see photos).

Also be sure to share it with your friends. Contest ends on May 15th, 2018 with the winner announced shortly after. Good luck!!!


To be eligible to win, you must be at least 18 years old and enter the sweepstakes on Facebook or Instagram between April 11, 2018 and May 15, 2018. See official rules for entry method. No purchase necessary. A purchase will not improve your chances of winning. Odds of winning are dependent on number of entries. All entries must be received no later than May 15, 2018 at 12:00PM CST. Void in FL, NY and where prohibited. Sponsored by DV Ventures, LLC.

78 Responses


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July 15, 2019

Hunting makes me and my family better. It makes me a better father, husband, brother, friend, and human due to the respect and physical demands I put on myself to hunt with more strength and precision to honor the animals and their habitats. Every long hot desert run here in PHX, every kettle-bell, and every arrow keeps me mentally focused and trained towards taking my first September bull elk that has left me in a dream world for months. To me hunting isn’t about killing an animal, as I have never done it, but it is about being in the most remote regions and taking it all into consideration, and loving and appreciating all of it. We all make a harvest on every hunt regardless if we kill an animal, we harvest new intentions and lessons through the journey, and I cannot wait to be in the mountains to experience that again. Thanks Donnie, your shit is epic!


March 07, 2019

Hunting is a way to be in nature, be secluded from the busy every day to day rush, learn who we are as a person. Hunting to me is a way to bring good natural meat to the table, to spend time with family. It means alot to be able to hunt and bring my daughter in a world where hunting is a part of life. To teach and train where good organic food comes from, and the trials that come along with it.

Stephen Shay
Stephen Shay

June 25, 2018

At first hunting was a right of passage. With hunting, came a responsibility: to those around me, and to honor the animal and the hunt. Then it became time to spend with my dog. Our time. When we worked together toward a goal. But finally, hunting evolved into something intense and spiritual. The responsibility was still there, the friendship with my dogs, or my brother, or others with me was still there, but there was also a new appreciation for the sunrise. For waiting, perfectly still as to not to spook the deer coming from behind, or the perfect feeding call that lures the mallard in. These things became the important part of who I am. Its why I continue to hunt.


May 16, 2018

Hunting encapsulates so many facets of life its hard to summarise in a small paragraph but here goes. Firstly it just as much about the passionate people you surround yourself with and meet on the journey or during a trip in the backcountry. It brings all walks of life together breaking down the barriers of general society and you make life long mates from it. Hunting also brings out your primal nature that is itching to break free and realising your senses being heightened with each hunt is something that is a real eye opener of how our modern day living has made them so dull. The hunting experience doesn’t just finish at at the pull of the trigger or the release of an arrow. It has a whole new phase when you are able to provide and feed your family. It not only stops there but sharing what you have harvested with your friends is something special and your hunt can last for a year to come with each steak you share with friends. Finally hunting brings a certain awareness of habitat and respect for all animal and insects as it brings clarity to how the food chain works and how we are all interconnected. This is something you will only understand once you spend prolonged periods of time at the mercy of mother nature. Hunting is a way of life for me and we as humans are built for it.

Tom Scheid
Tom Scheid

May 13, 2018

I developed the necessary skills as a Hunter during my time in the military. Learning to shoot, track and navigate first and foremost. Smartening up over the years and honing those skills on operational deployment in Afghanistan.
Leaving the military suffering from post traumatic stress and injury then moving to the mountains in search of solitude and calm, heightening the desire to hunt.
My passion and profession of photographing nature helped me maintain a healthy respect and desire for conservation.
The thrilling chill and excitement of a bull elk bugling through the woods instilled in the forefront of my mind to pursue that ethical kill.
The humbling process of tracking, stalking and laying in wait culminating in harvesting a healthy beast that will sustain myself and family over the winter. Giving thanks to what once stood before me.

Jake Long
Jake Long

May 12, 2018

Hunting is life. It’s deep in my soul and fuels my passion for the outdoors. It binds your soul with the animal you love by building a relationship through a game of cat and mouse. The kill is only a small and often the least important part of the dance.


May 12, 2018

Have learned so much about hunting, and life from you donnie! Thanks for what you do I truly do appreciate all that you do.

David Gorski
David Gorski

May 12, 2018

For me hunting is a reminder of how to use our basic instincts, a reminder of how we were, where we belong and how we‘re suppose to be.

Stephen Kahn
Stephen Kahn

May 12, 2018

Hunting means a time to break away from how the world has evolved into the over emotional state. Return to how man was supposed to be. Being able to provide my family with fuel that is better and how it is supposed to be.

Daniel O’Flaherty
Daniel O’Flaherty

May 11, 2018

I’m not sure what hunting means to me, all I really know is I need to do it, I can’t remember a time when I didn’t want to

Howell Pugh
Howell Pugh

May 11, 2018

Hunting simply means being given the chance to provide my family with the most natural source of protein available. We look to nature before we look to the grocery store. Plus, the views aren’t half bad either.

Wes Shover
Wes Shover

May 11, 2018

Hunting for me brings me back to the purest form of our existence with the land.

Hunting with fellow hunters also brings me back to the camaraderie that I’ve had on Teams in the military – it solidifies the bonds that we have with people to prove our grit. On our hardest hunts, we learn the most about the people we associate with and their valor, trust, and spirit. You can learn more about a person in one shitty day on a mountain than you can with another in an entire lifetime. This is why The Veteran Hunter exists. To continue the bonds forged in battle to keep our blood flowing in our veins.

Chris Durr
Chris Durr

May 11, 2018

It is who and what we are as human beings. Some people embrace it and others fall into what society tells them to think and feel. It is a time and situation that makes you feel alive and have accomplished something. From the preparation to the moment of truth and then the reflection which all creates the memory and experience.

Colin O’Rourke
Colin O’Rourke

May 11, 2018

Hunting to me is an integral part of life. Not only the obvious piece of putting food on the table that is clean and healthy, but so much more. I started hunting as a teenager with my dad and uncles. Deer camp was a place to bond and grow relationships with friends, family, and nature. As my experience grows, so does my appreciation of the world around me and the connection to the animals that provide me with so much. Hunting to me is not an activity, a hobby, an interest. It is a passion and a cornerstone in my life.

Dustin E Faddis
Dustin E Faddis

May 11, 2018

Observing, learning, and interacting in the greatest regenerative design system ever created—Nature, nourishes me. Hunting to me is a self-sufficient life process that provides nourishment mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Hunting is a process of empowerment that blesses me, my family, and those who I share its values with.

Zach Vincent
Zach Vincent

May 11, 2018

Hunting to men is going to the grocery store. I can’t remember the last time I went to the store to get meat. It’s also a time for me to get a way and unwind from life. I get to spend time with my best friends and my dad. Hunting is a huge part of my life and something I will do until the day I die. Nothing compares to the feeling of being out in God’s country

Rob Artiaga
Rob Artiaga

April 28, 2018

WHAT HUNTING MEAN A traditon of the old way and know you can take down a buck on your own and can fend for yourself the rush right before the kill and getting the prefect shot. “WHY IT IS YOU CHOOSE TO HUNT” to bond with family and share skills life leasson and have great time the trophy and knowing you put work in to the buck .

Rob Artiaga
Rob Artiaga

April 28, 2018

WHAT HUNTING MEAN A traditon of the old way and know you can take down a buck on your own and can fend for yourself the rush right before the kill and getting the prefect shot. “WHY IT IS YOU CHOOSE TO HUNT” to bond with family and share skills life leasson and have great time the trophy and knowing you put work in to the buck .

Casey Torgersen
Casey Torgersen

April 27, 2018

Keep it coming. Love watching your videos and reading your content.

Robbie buck
Robbie buck

April 27, 2018

I recently had a lisfranc dislocation and was recently told I could never run again by the surgeon. Devasting news for a fit and healthy 31 year old who was quite active. I have plenty of family and friends involved with hunting, this could be my new thing, a new start and chapter, which would provide some hope for a active future hunting. Bringing food home to the table would be a incredible feat via spending more time out in the great outdoors. I’m excited for the future, a helping hand would go a long way. Cheers and thanks, Robbie

Kevin Rochon
Kevin Rochon

April 26, 2018

Hunting brings people together both friends and family. This year I’m especially excited because my 8 year old son is going to be joining my brother, father, me and a few friends in the back country. I can’t wait to teach him how to track, and spot animals. To watch as my father and brother pass on their knowledge to him, listening intently, well aswell as an 8 year old can lol. Planning the stalk, watching the animals in their environment aware of the winds and our surroundings taking it all in. Waiting patiently, not really looking forward to that as I can foresee a few blowouts due to questions or movements at the WRONG time but it’s all learning right. Taking in the sights, smells and sounds, a part of nature. If we are lucky enough to be successful to take an animal the real work will begin the real lessons begin. To give the animal the respect it deserves, a quick death, preserving the hide and meat, the pack out. I can’t hardly wait! Keep up the good work Donnie and thank you for being a great ambassador of this great sport!

Torey Glenny
Torey Glenny

April 26, 2018

It’s a challenge to find words on what Hunting means to me. A lot of people will say hunting is life so for me to say that would be very cliche. The truth is though, it is life. I grew up in a small log home in the middle of the Appalachian Mountains where I learned to hunt from my dad and two older brothers. We grew up trad archery hunting together. I considered those days where I built my foundation and character. I stand by this principle, the foundation you build in the dark will support you when you’re in the light. Now my family owns a 2,500 acre hunting ranch called Quest Haven Lodge where we all work together doing whatever our strengths and passions are. I’m the marketing director and I’m also a full time whitetail guide. In the off season we travel the world hunting together. I film for a TV show my wife is a host for called Girls with Guns TV and I also film for our YouTube channel, . I’m literally living a dream. If you told me in high school my life would look like this, I wouldn’t have believed it. I am a blessed man!

So what is hunting to me? I am hunting…


April 26, 2018

The connection we have with nature is being diminished with the open and one time hunted land being used as the foundations for copy cat homes and shopping plazas. The life as we know is being structured to go to the supermarket and buy a cold, inhumane piece of meat. Hunting isn’t about the meat in your fridge. It’s about the respect for nature and the experience. Hunting is why we are breathing today. The exposure to nature, the experience the story is what hunting is. The ability to escape from the everyday known and boredom of the fast life we live. Hunting is primal in its simplest form but pure it’s it most complex. Hunting is as much life as it is death.

Jon Gale
Jon Gale

April 26, 2018

Outdoors in general is in my blood I live to hunt. It’s almost annoying how often it’s on my mind. Anyways good luck to everyone hope whoever wins it truly is thankful for it and gets outside and puts it to use. You the man Donnie Vincent

William Rankin
William Rankin

April 26, 2018

For me, hunting is a way find my place in the circle of life and take responsibility for what I eat. It allows me to become close to nature and the world around me. It is humbling to get a view of the bigger picture and see where I fit in that picture. Hunting is a way to bond with friends and family. It makes hiking and campimg more meaningful. It makes sharing a meal more meaningful.

Hunter Gilbert
Hunter Gilbert

April 26, 2018

Hunting for me is about getting out of the speed of life we get caught up in and challenging myself as well as experiencing nature and wildlife face to face. Preparation and the expectation of the hunt are all part of the overall experience. Hunting provides a purpose for choosing a healthy lifestyle and staying in good shape. I choose to hunt because the money invested goes toward conservation and sustaining lands and resources for wild game. Harvesting game provides me with a clean food source for me and my family.

Cassandra Ellery
Cassandra Ellery

April 25, 2018

Hunting quiets my mind. Hunting provides the avenue to what danish people call hygge. Comfort. Some may say hunting is uncomfortable. Don’t you want to be that person that pushes the limits of your existence? I am a nursing student, I see how people suffer through being bedridden and wishing they could use their legs again, travel, see the world. A big reason why I hunt is because of the amazing experiences and places you discover along the way. The land is here to be utilized and appreciated. We live in such a loud world, it seems as though you can never silence and shut your life off. Hunting again provides the avenue. I have athsma, I have always had difficulty breathing. I’d rather feel my heart beating fast, be filling my lungs with clean fresh air, working hard for those breaths, sounds of nothingness, the smell of the forest, and soaking up everything wild. Society today is a cage, and I’m the creature that needs to escape. All things in the wild are provisions to a better you. Hunting. Gives you everything you need.

Cassandra Ellery
Cassandra Ellery

April 25, 2018

Hunting to me isn’t just a lifestyle, it is the air I breathe. Hunting to me is about my growth as a human being. Its spiritual for me, calms my demons. I hunt because it opens my mind, body, spirit, and emotions. Its a transaction between myself, the land, and the animal. I believe that a true and satisfactory hunt includes you putting in a great deal of effort physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually into harvesting an animal. That animal is fighting for its life every day, it is a true honour to harvest an animal. To truly appreciate the harvest you must truly appreciate and respect the animal. I say harvest because killing is cold. To harvest is to utilize that animal to your best ability, and understand that a release of that animal back to the earth is providing yourself nourishment to live another day. Through all the horrible things in my past that I’ve experienced, which result in an incredibly high stress lifestyle, hunting is the only thing that brings my soul absolute peace. I grew up in Northern Alberta, we call it Gods country, it is absolutely gorgeous. To me as a hunter you need to understand you will never be prepared for everything, you can try, but ultimately you can never outrun mother earth. You just have to open up and accept all she has to offer, learn, and try to survive as our ancestors did. I learned to hunt from my father as a way of providing. Hunting was the only way for my family be able to afford food, and having clean healthy meat kept us from starving. My dad used to tell us if we wanted to eat that night we had to get off our lazy butts and get out into the wild. He was responsible for my viewpoint of working harder then you ever have in order to feed yourself, and that its a blessing to harvest an animal. Mostly I dedicate the huntress I’ve become to a mentor of mine, an old cree woman. She educated me that an animal has a spirit, and that anytime you take a life you must appreciate and recognize the awesomeness of the experience. She is responsible for my belief that an animal is more valuable then money because every part of an animal tells a story and every part of the animal provides. Hunting is evolutions greatest gift to man, and the reason why I am a healthy human being today. Hunting cures all ailments, if only more people could see the value. Through her I’ve learned that hunting is a symbiotic relationship. You lose yourself a little bit more in the wild, and when you invest into the experience, eat the animal harvested, breathe in the fresh air, and take in all mother earth has to offer, you become a little more wild. Through hunting, I’m no expert, I’ve learned nobody is perfect. It’s a journey, andI value hunting like I value life itself. Hunting saved me from what could have been, and all I want to do is share with others.


April 25, 2018

Hunting isn’t just a hobby for me. It is away of life. I spent 250+ days a year in the wild helping clients achieve there life long dreams.!

Mario segura
Mario segura

April 25, 2018

Hunting in itself hold a special place in my by exposing me to the outdoors. My uncles introduced my to deer hunting as a young teenager and even though I haven’t had the end success other might have had, the mear fact of being in the woods listening to birds and animals moving around refreshes my mind from the daily frustrations of life. Every year I look forward to he few chances I’ll get to hunt and cherish the times spent with friends and family.

Alex Krzywulak
Alex Krzywulak

April 25, 2018

Hunting to me is a pursuit of true passion, the outdoors and its wildlife never fails to fill that passion. Its sweat down your back, cold finger tips, frustration, patience and the homework involved to outwit your quarry and position yourself for success. Connecting the dots Like a detective spending countless hours on an investigation. The feeling of self provided food over a grill or fire as you reflect on the moments that took place and the things you left behind to get there. It’s the reason why two people who don’t know each other can become good friends. I hunt because I’m addicted to the outdoors, exploring new environments, meeting new people and creating adventure that keeps my passion full! Thanks for the opportunity, enjoy seeing your stories and adventures.

Eric Vito
Eric Vito

April 25, 2018

To me hunting is a lifestyle. Every day I’m Influenced by people like yourself to take my hunting and shooting to the extreme. Hunting is 1% about the kill the other 99% is about the memories I have with friends and family. The kill brings all the hard work and sacrifices I’ve put in come together. I’m always striving to be as ethical as a hunter I can be and practice with it to make sure my shots are perfect and when I’m taking the life of an animal that I’m doing it in the cleanest and most respectful way. The meat is a bonus and it makes you remember how you got it and who it’s helping. The hide and horns are what I look at and remember every little thing of the hunt, where I was and the work I had to put in to get it. Hunting is 99% hunting and 1% killing I have no problem going home empty handed the best part is being outside and enjoying the woods and sharing it with somebody. Hunting is a way to get out of your ever day problems, clear your mind and just think about how easy life is when it’s so simple. I also find myself thinking about what people a hundred years ago felt with such a simple life and not focused on materialistic things. I guess hunting is just a escape and my kind of vacation.

Matt Atwood
Matt Atwood

April 23, 2018

Hunting is what I look forward to everyday of the week! An excuse to spend over a week in the mountains and forget about all the day to day distractions, a renewed sense of nature, and a freezer full of fresh wild meat.

Mike Skully
Mike Skully

April 22, 2018

Hunting means being one with nature. To me there is nothing like being out in the woods to watch the beauty of nature unfold before my eyes

Jarrett Lukas
Jarrett Lukas

April 22, 2018

Hunting gives me a place to feel connected with nature and the outdoors in the most primitive and natural way. I use hunting as my church and use to to get to the woods where I feel recharged and clear minded. Hunting gives me a chance to re-calibrate how I feel about myself and re-center what is important in life.

Will Berry
Will Berry

April 21, 2018

Hunting to me is a way to get away from everyday life and become close to God and all of his creations. Every hunt is is chance to learn and see something new. Harvest or not, hunting is a humbling experience that makes you appreciate all that nature has to offer.

Allen Burke
Allen Burke

April 21, 2018

The reason why I hunt is is it’s the first place I got to know God’s creation and how special it really is! Now I’m trying. To teach my son’s the same thing.

Jeff Weafer
Jeff Weafer

April 21, 2018

For me hunting is about connection. To my father who gave my brothers & I the gift of respect & appreciation for nature and all its amazing beauty. To the land which has served me well throughout my lifetime, providing for my family. To myself, even on my toughest days, to walk the land has cleared my head and helped me find a path to success. Finally to tradition, through the love of hunting I have been able to pass on so many experiences and life lessons to my own children. I have been fortunate to live my life on the Canadian prairies where being connected to land comes easy. Never stop exploring ☀️

Chris Glick
Chris Glick

April 20, 2018

Thank you for the opportunity to win this amazing Gear. Your work is truelly amazing.

Isaac Mattingly
Isaac Mattingly

April 20, 2018

Thank you for this, thank you for inspiring me to strive harder. I’m hoping to get my first buck this year with my brother

Ric Fedyna
Ric Fedyna

April 16, 2018

This link to a blog post I wrote explains why I choose to hunt……-Never


April 14, 2018

Hunting is something that binds us to the land. It is part of our bones and meat and connects us to the cycle of life. With the growth of technology and the increased specialization of factors of life it is one of the only ways to reconnect the the basic ties of existence. We are or we aren’t and hunting puts us back into being human.

jason guilmain
jason guilmain

April 14, 2018

what hunting means to me is that it gives me a chance to reconnect with all the things that are important to me and to forget all the stress and the B.S that this modern world with all the " you got have tech stuff that out there . and knowing that though I am a small part of god’s great work he still reminds me that this is here to enjoy and wonder at and reset my mind . and reenergize my soul an mind before I have to go back to it all.
Nick Johnson
Nick Johnson

April 14, 2018

Love what you do, real and raw…don’t stop!

John Jodoin
John Jodoin

April 11, 2018

Thank you!

Tucker Nipko
Tucker Nipko

April 11, 2018

Thank you for making this package available. A lot of great stuff.

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